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  • COMPETCompetitiveness (COMPET)

Internal market and industry, research and space policies to be discussed at COMPET Council (Brussels, 26.05.2014)

  • Photo: © European Union

    © European Union

A COMPET Council meeting is taking place in Brussels today (26.05.2014). The meeting will be chaired by Greece’s Deputy Minister of Competitiveness and Development, Notis Mitarachi and Secretary General for Research and Technology, Christos Vasilakos.

The morning session of the Council will discuss internal market and industry issues, such as a proposal on the requirements for fitting eCall devices in new models of vehicles; a general approach on new rules for the protection of trade secrets; a progress report on the review of the framework of trade marks; a progress report on updating the EU package travel directive aimed at modernising the travel market.

The afternoon session will be devoted to research, innovation and space policies. The Council is expected to approve conclusions on the roadmap for implementation of pan-European research infrastructures, as well as conclusions on how to better develop a shared vision for space fostering competitiveness by the EU and the European Space Agency. 

Finally, ministers will discuss how to reinforce and further develop scientific and technological cooperation between the EU and Mediterranean partner countries with a view
to creating an area of shared prosperity and to jointly tackling society’s greatest challenges.

More on the event here.

The COMPET Council meeting starts at 09:00 (CET). Live broadcasting will be available here from 08:00. Press conferences will take place at around 12:40 and 18:00 (CET).

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